Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare And Contrast Steinbeck And Anand - 1178 Words

Steinbeck and Anand are bestowed with enthralling intellectual framework to take up the crucial issues of have-nots in their novels. Leaving some minor differences both of them share phenomenally similar outlook for the have-nots. Their common concerns make them the champions of the underdogs. They are the great realists. Both equally understand the call of society. They give their firm voice to the unheard and unheeded have-nots. They hold a concrete conviction that a writer’s responsibility to the humanity, community, Society is Holy (Sokel, Herbert, Walter, Ernst.qtd 1959: 68). In fact, both of them are social watchdogs who are outrightly intolerant of all kinds of injustices against the have-nots. They make their readers aware of†¦show more content†¦They experience the persistent inequality existing in their respective social milieux and find society divided in two sections – ‘the haves’ and ‘the have-nots . â€Å". . . there must be on ly two kinds of people in the world: the rich and the poor. And poverty is diffused all over India, and like a poison infects all our society, renders it unsocial and inhumane† (Anand1936: 56). Similarly, the â€Å"issue of the haves and the have-nots† predominantly hangs over Steinbeck (McParland 2015: 176). This is why, the common ideology of Steinbeck and Anand forces them to be the mouthpiece of the underprivileged, i.e., the have-nots. This comparative study is an inclusive attempt in interpreting the psychological nuances, social insight, rustic realism and ethical-moral questions encircling the have-nots. Both the writers are usually found brooding over the past, analyzing the present and peeping into the future for the redress of the issues of the have-nots. Sometimes, they turn to philosophical decantation, rhetorical and metaphysical musings that quicken the pulses of the readers. They deliver the message of human rights and make readers understand the predica ments of the have-nots. Their novels prove that the act of writing is not merely a matter of self-expression but an instrument of spreading awareness for reformation and transformation of society. Steinbeck

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